MASSGrant Plus Expansion

MassGrant Plus Promotional Flyer

Pell Grant students currently receiving MASSGrant Plus aid who have an expected family contribution (EFC) will no longer need to pay the federal government-determined EFC to enroll in any Massachusetts public college or university under the MASSGrant Plus Expansion program. From now on, all tuition and mandatory instructional fees will be covered with grant aid for Pell Grant-eligible public higher education students in Massachusetts. Pell Grant-eligible students will also be eligible for allowances of up to $1,200 for books and supplies.

The cost of room and board will not be covered under the MASSGrant Plus Expansion program.

Pell Grant-eligible students enrolled on a part-time basis at a public four-year college or university will now be eligible for MASSGrant Plus support.

Student Eligibility Criteria

You qualify for MASSGrant Plus Expansion if you:

  • Are a full-time or part-time Pell Grant-eligible student enrolled at a public institution of higher education in Massachusetts.
  • Are a middle-income student whose family earns between $73,000 and $100,000 annually in adjusted gross income and you are enrolled full-time at a public institution of higher education in Massachusetts.

To be eligible, students must complete the free FAFSA or the state-alternative financial aid application designated by the DHE. If you are not sure whether you qualify for MASSGrant Plus Expansion, please fill out the free 2024 FAFSA.

Applicants must also meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • Physically reside in Massachusetts for at least one year, as of the start of the enrolled term, with an intent to remain in Massachusetts consistent with Board of Higher Education policy; and
  • Has not earned a prior associate or baccalaureate degree, or the equivalent
  • Enroll, as a matriculated student, on a full-time or part-time basis (minimum of 6 credits, or the equivalent) in an undergraduate program of study leading to a certificate, associate, or bachelor’s degree
  • Have approved eligibility status as a “High School Completer,”1 per the Massachusetts tuition equity law,2 or be a U.S. Citizen, permanent legal resident, or non-citizen eligible under Title IV regulations.
  • Comply with all applicable Federal financial aid verification requirements
  • Not be in default on any federal or state Student Loans for attendance at any institution, or owe a refund for any previous state financial aid program
  • Meet satisfactory academic progress (SAP) according to the institution’s requirements. 
  • Have a remaining balance owed to the institution for the costs of tuition, fees, books and supplies after all other grant and scholarship aid has been accounted for

1 See for more details.

2 Pursuant to Section 9 of Chapter 15A, as amended by Section 11 of Chapter 28 of the Acts of 2023.

How To Apply:

Students who have completed the 2024 FAFSA and are already receiving MASSGrant Plus aid do not need to take further action to benefit from the expansion. College and university financial aid offices will apply the funds to current MASSGrant Plus student accounts automatically.

Students who have not completed the 2024 FAFSA, particularly part-time Pell Grant-eligible students and middle-income students who previously did not qualify for MASSGrant Plus, should complete the 2024 FAFSA immediately.

Information on how to complete the free 2024 FAFSA is available here.

Eligible Institutions
For More Information

Reach out to your school’s financial aid office for additional information for the application process, or to the Office of Student Financial Assistance at (617) 391-6070.