Instructions for Working with Application
Your Application
structure of the application folder downloaded from the Board of Higher Education
website is virtually identical to the structure in which the completed
application should be submitted. To
save completed documents:
- Create
a folder somewhere on your hard drive in which to save
your completed documents. Name the folder after your institution,
such as "John Doe University."
- Within
that folder, create one folder called "1 Institutional
Documents" in which to save the Application Cover
Sheet and the Institutional Profile. Create
additional folders for each program being submitted for
review, and name the folders after the programs, such as "BS
in Criminal Justice." Also include a number at
the beginning of the name so that the folders fall in the
correct order.
- Within
each program's folder, save the Program Overview and Program Profile. Also, create folders for each Standard (A-I).
- Within
each Standard's folder, save the corresponding completed
documents and any separate electronic documents (Word docs, PDFs, etc.) that you referenced as evidence demonstrating
compliance. Include numbers in the file names so that
they fall in the correct order.
Submitting Your Application
the application is completed, please burn it onto CD, saved in the folder structure described above.
The flash drive, along with one hard copy of the institution's application, one college
catalog, and the evaluation fee, should be sent to:
Massachusetts Board of Higher Education
Review of Criminal Justice Programs
McCormack Building
One Ashburton Place, Room 1401
Boston, MA 02108