Task Force on Nurse Education and Workforce Development

Massachusetts faces the challenge to address the Health Care sector’s dynamic demand for licensed nurses who serve patients across the spectrum of care delivery (acute care, ambulatory, long-term care) with a balanced and agile supply of educated, skilled and credentialed nurses.

Students enroll in pre-licensure Registered Nurse (RN) and Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) programs at public and independent colleges and universities, as well as in post-licensure programs when seeking advanced credentials. The near and future capacity and curricula of nursing programs across Massachusetts’ higher education system must align with the projected needs for new graduates, mid-career advancements, and pathway transitions including practice-to-education (faculty). 

Over the past decade (and more) there has been a call to address what is often characterized as a “nursing shortage”. While too few nurses is certainly a factor in the supply/demand imbalance, the root cause is deeper, intertwined with health care system policies, practices, and regulation. Higher education must collaborate with healthcare providers (employers), state agencies, advocacy organizations and other partners to ensure a systemic, comprehensive, and sustainable approach to nurse education and workforce development that will meet the commonwealth’s future health care needs. 


The Board of Higher (BHE) forms and charges a task force to:

  1. Establish guiding principles for governance of Massachusetts nurse education and workforce development system, consistent with BHE statutory mandates, regulatory authority, and BHE strategic plans, including: 
    1. Strategic Plan for Racial Equity 
    2. Strategic Public Higher Education Financing (SHEF)
    3. Support Services for Student Success Framework 
  2. Explore current and projected future conditions of Massachusetts’ higher education nurse preparation pathways, curricula, and delivery models, relevant health care system voluntary agreements, regulations, and policies that influence the supply of nursing services and therefore, nurse education programs.  
  3. Characterize the scope and scale of the nursing education and workforce development challenge. 
  4. Present recommendations on how to strengthen existing policies, procedures, and regulations to address the need for new and incumbent nurses with the aim of improving health outcomes for all residents and to enhance support for Massachusetts’ health care sector.   

The task force will: 

  1. Convene stakeholders and partner organizations to frame the scope and scale of the nursing education and workforce challenge, through development of a comprehensive supply/demand model. 
  2. Draw on academic and industry sector research and best practices within the commonwealth, and nationally, to characterize and identify transformative solutions. 
  3. Draw on academic and industry sector research and best practices within the commonwealth, and nationally, to characterize and identify transformative solutions. 
  4. Propose policy changes and allocation of resources in support of its recommendations. 


Membership List:

Name Affiliation Role Representation
William Walczak Senior leadership -Healthcare
Organizations, Boston
Nursing Task Force Co-Chair BHE – Chair, Strategic Planning
Advisory Committee
Francesca Purcell Harvard Graduate School
of Education (HGSE)
Nursing Task Force Co-Chair Higher Education Concentration - Faculty
Co-Chair, Senior Lecturer
Harneen Chernow Harvard Graduate School
of Education (HGSE)
Nursing Task Force Co-Chair BHE Board Member
MJ Ryan Massachusetts General Brigham Vice President
Workforce Development
Health Care Employer
Patricia Noga Massachusetts Health and
Hospital Association
Vice President - Clinical Affairs Health Care Employer Association
David Rosenbloom Boston University School
of Public Health
Professor of Public Health Consultant
Tara Gregorio Massachusetts Senior Care Association President Health Care Employer Association
Jay Prosser Nursing Council for Workforce
Sustainability (NCWS)
Executive Director Nursing Practice
Luis Pedraja Quinsigamond Community College President Community College Segment
Linda Thompson Westfield State University President State University Segment
Antoinette Hayes President Regis College President Independent Colleges and
Kimberly Christopher University Of Massachusetts
Dean Nursing UMass System
Bob LePage Executive Office of Education Assistant Secretary for Career
State Agency
Patricial Yu Executive Office of Health and
Human Services
Senior Director of Healthcare
Workforce Policy
State Agency
Alysia Ordway Executive Office of Labor and
Workforce Development
Undersecretary of Workforce
State Agency
David Cedrone Department of Higher Education Associate Commissioner, Workforce
Higher Education Workforce


Upcoming Meetings:
There are no upcoming meetings at this time.
Past Meetings:


Task Force on Nursing Education and Workforce Development Meeting
Wednesday, April 3, 2024
1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Virtual Meeting


Task Force on Nursing Education and Workforce Development Meeting
Wednesday, May 8, 2024
1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Virtual Meeting


Task Force on Nursing Education and Workforce Development Meeting
Wednesday, June 12, 2024
1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Virtual Meeting
Meetings & Events

Oct 22

Board of Higher Education Meeting

Dec 3

Board of Higher Education Meeting

Jan 14

Board of Higher Education Meeting

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