On June 18, 2013, the Board of Higher Education voted unanimously to approve the VALOR Act Academic Credit Evaluation Policy. The policy requires each public institution of higher education to develop a set of policies and procedures governing the evaluation of a student’s military occupation(s), military training, coursework, and experience, in order to determine whether academic credit shall be awarded for such experience, training, and coursework. Furthermore, the policy requires institutions to designate a single point of contact for student veterans to contact about the policy and who will also make determinations concerning the award of academic credit for prior military occupation(s), military training, coursework, and experience. The policy shall to the greatest extent possible provide for consistent application by all Massachusetts public higher education institutions.
VALOR Act Academic Credit
Evaluation Policy
For more information, please contact Kristen Stone, Assistant Director for Academic & Veterans Affairs, at (617) 994-6959 or kstone@bhe.mass.edu.
Community Colleges
State Universities
University of Massachusetts