College Planning

Students at New Bedford High School talk to admissions counselors at Go Higher fair in 2014

The right time to start planning for college is now. Students, parents and advisors should use the resources on this site to help you choose what classes to take in high school, where to apply, how to get financial aid and more.


Go Higher!

Learn about top programs, notable alumni, internship opportunities and more at the Commonwealth's community colleges, state universities and University of Massachusetts campuses on the Go Higher! website. Attend a Go Higher! event in your area for a student-to-student exchange with current college students and alumni about choosing a major, navigating campus life, landing a job and more.

Dual Enrollment

Many Massachusetts high schools and colleges have teamed up to provide opportunities for students to take courses that simultaneously count toward a high school and college degree. Learn more about the Commonwealth Dual Enrollment Partnership and talk to your advisor about other opportunities in your area.


GEAR UP provides extra college preparation and support to middle school and high school students in seven districts: Boston, Holyoke, Lawrence, Lowell, New Bedford, Springfield, and Worcester. Learn more about the program and find college readiness resources on the GEAR UP website.



YourPlanForTheFuture is a web portal designed to help Massachusetts students manage their educational and career pathways. It provides students with one central planning site where they can organize their academic information, get free test-prep tutorials, research schools, track applications, apply for financial aid and more.

Financial Aid

The Office of Student Financial Assistance is here to help you find financial aid for college. Browse the scholarships, grants and loans, and find a step-by-step guide to getting started with links to additional resources on the Info & Tools for Students page.

Commonwealth Commitment

Thinking about starting your higher education career at a community college and transferring to a state university or University of Massachusetts campus? The Commonwealth Commitment may be the right choice for you. If you attend full time and earn a 3.0 GPA, you could qualify for a rebate at the end of each semester to help pay for books, transportation, housing or more.