Meeting Agenda


Finance and Administrative Policy - Advisory Council


January 5, 2024
12:00 p.m.


This meeting will be held virtually over zoom and available to public to join as a webinar.

  1. Call to Order
  2. Remarks
    1. Chair’s Remarks
    2. Advisory Council Co-Chair’s Remarks
      Materials Used
    • PDF Presentation on CHERISH, Massachusetts Teachers Association
    • PDF Presentation to Massachusetts Department of Higher Education, Dr. Oded Gurantz
      • Debt-Free Public Higher Education

        Max Page, President, Massachusetts Teachers Association
        Noah Berger, Director Center on Education Policy and Practice, Massachusetts Teachers Association
      • Moving Toward True College Affordability in Massachusetts

        Susan Dynarski, Professor, Harvard University
        Sara Goldrick-Rab, Senior Fellow, Education Northwest
        Oded Gurantz, Assistant Professor, University of Colorado Boulder

        Jennie Williamson, Executive Director, Education Trust-Massachusetts
        Amanda Fernandez, Chief Executive Officer, Latinos for Education
        Femi Stoltz, Massachusetts Policy Director, uAspire
        Amanda Seider, Executive Director, OneGoal
  5. Other Business

The above listings of matters before the Finance and Administrative Policy Advisory Council of the Board of Higher Education are those reasonably anticipated by the Co-Chairs of the Council to be discussed at the meeting.  Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items, not listed, may also be brought up for discussion, to the extent such is permitted by law.