Policy and Report Library > Reports > 2008 Performance Measurement Report

Mount Wachusett Community College

Mount Wachusett Community College (MWCC) unites education, technology, enterprise and community service to advance lifelong learning, develop human potential and stimulate economic vitality in a changing world. The College offers over 50 associate's degree and certificate programs, adult basic education/GED programs, training for business and industry and non-credit community service programs.

Program of Distinction
Access Indicators
Affordability Indicators
Student Success and Academic Quality Indicators
Fiscal Effectiveness and Efficiency Indicators

Program of Distinction

Mount Wachusett Community College (MWCC) was named to the 2007 President's Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll, with Distinction, a national honor granted to colleges and universities with exemplary community service activities, and one of just 127 nationwide named with distinction. The Honor Roll is a program of the Corporation for National and Community Service and is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, the USA Freedom Corps and the President's Council on Service and Civic Participation. Honorees for the award are selected based on a series of selection factors including scope and innovativeness of service projects, percentage of student participation in service activities, incentives for service, and the extent to which the school offers academic service learning courses. Nearly 500 MWCC students collectively volunteered more than 8,500 hours this academic year on service learning projects benefiting children, adults and organizations throughout north central Massachusetts.


Section I: Access to Public Higher Education in Massachusetts

Access Indicators

Fall 2007 Enrollment
Headcount 4,147
FTE 2,524

Fall Enrollment

Over the last three years, fall headcount enrollment has remained relatively stable.

Over the last three years, fall full-time equivalent (FTE) enrollment has decreased 2.4%.

Annual 2007–2008 Enrollment
Headcount 5,882
FTE 2,610

Annual Enrollment

Over the last three years, annual headcount enrollment has increased 5.3%.

Over the last three years, annual FTE enrollment has increased 4.5%.

Looking Back: Fall and Annual Headcount Enrollment

Fall and Annual Headcount Enrollment from 2003/04 to 2007/08

Fall 2007 Minority Enrollment


Minority Enrollment

Greater than the minority representation of the institution's primary draw cities and towns (17.3%) and the Central Region's minority representation of 11.8%.

Section II: Affordability of Massachusetts Community Colleges

Affordability Indicator

2007–2008 Tuition and Fees as a Percent of Median Family Income


% of Median Family Income

Comparable to the Northeast regional average of 4.9%.

Looking Back: Tuition and Fees as a Percent of Median Family Income

FY2004 FY2005 FY2006 FY2007 FY2008
Mount Wachusett Community College Tuition and Fees $4,010 $4,010 $3,970 $4,120 $4,420
State Median Family Income $67,527 $68,701 $71,655 $74,463 $78,497
"X" as a Percent of State Median Family Income
X = Mount Wachusett Community College Tuition and Fees 5.9% 5.8% 5.5% 5.5% 5.6%
X = Massachusetts Community Colleges' Average Tuition and Fees 4.8% 4.9% 4.9% 4.7% 4.7%
X = Northeast Average Tuition and Fees 4.8% 4.8% 4.9% 4.9%

Section III: Student Success and Academic Quality

Success and Quality Indicators

Fall 2006 Cohort First-Year Persistence Rate
Retained at original institution 52.6%
Retained at any institution 64.2%

Fall Cohort First-Year Persistence

Persistence at original institution has increased 4 percentage points over the last three years but is below the segmental average of 56.5%.

Looking Back: Fall-to-Fall First-Year Persistence Rate

Fall-to-Fall First-Year Persistence Rate from 2004 to 2006

Fall 2003 Cohort Four-Year Overall Success Rate


Fall 2003 Cohort Four-Year Individual Success Rates
Earned Degree/Certificate 40.6%
Transferred 11.3%
Earned 30 Credits 18.9%
Still Enrolled 1.6%
Note: Each subsequent category excludes any student included in previous category(ies)

Fall Cohort Four-Year Overall Success Rate

This new indicator measures students who have earned a degree/certificate, transferred to another institution, earned 30 or more credits, or are still enrolled after four years. Future reports will include these outcomes over four, five, and six years for this and successive cohorts. Please see the Technical Guide for further details regarding this indicator.

2007–2008 Fall-to-Spring Retention Rate


Fall-to-Spring Retention Rate

Fall-to-spring retention has remained relatively stable over the last three years.

FY2008 Credit Course Completion Rate


Course Completion

Above the Board of Higher Education's target rate of 75%.

Total Degrees Conferred in FY2008


Degrees Conferred

Average degrees conferred per year over the last three years: 673

Looking Back: Degrees Conferred

Degrees Conferred From 2004 to 2008

2007 Pass Rate on the National Nursing Licensure Examination


Nursing Exam Pass Rate

Below the Board of Higher Education's target pass rate of 85%.

FY2008 Annual Enrollment in Workforce Development Courses


Workforce Development

Average annual enrollment in workforce development courses per year over the last three years: 8,141

Section IV: Effective and Efficient Use of Resources

Effectiveness and Efficiency Indicators

Effective Projects and Initiatives

Resource Allocation

Expenditures per Student—Actual, National Peers, and Budget Formula

Expenditures Per Student

Note: This graphic was revised on May 6, 2009. The previously posted graphic displayed the data inaccurately.

FY2008 Primary Reserve Ratio
Unrestricted Reserves (UR) -$3,118,151
Total Operating Expenses (TOE) $39,965,463
Primary Reserve Ratio (UR/TOE) -7.8%

Primary Reserve Ratio

Primary Reserve Ratio


No materials weaknesses based on annual external independent audit: