Compliance Survey Visits

The federal law requires that periodic surveys be conducted at educational institutions. The two main purposes of these surveys are to (1) ensure that VA payments going to the school and students enrolled at the school are based upon proper and correct enrollment information as furnished by the school to VA; and (2) assist school and training officials and students in understanding the requirements of the law in order to prevent deficiencies or violations which could develop because of misunderstandings or misinterpretations of the law.

Consider the following points when preparing for a Department of Higher Education compliance visit:

Prior to the Visit

The following information is needed as part of the compliance survey:

  1. Total number of all students currently enrolled in your institution.
  2. Total number of VA beneficiaries currently enrolled by chapter in your institution.
  3. Records of attendance for each beneficiary listed on the enclosure.
  4. A copy of the student’s application for admission, program curriculum, registration information, drop/add slips, evidence of remedial training, and prior credit evaluation, if applicable.
  5. Detailed records of tuition and fees assessed each student listed on the enclosure; for Chapter 33 students this will include all charges to the student’s account, all payments/ credits to the student’s account from VA and all other sources including institutional, private, federal, and other financial aid programs. Records MUST be detailed enough to determine the source of all charges and credits/ payments including how charges were determined and payments were credited.
  6. A class schedule must be provided for each student that indicated whether each course is in resident or online/ independent study and which specifies the number of class meetings scheduled per week and or any other frequency, along with the start and end dates.
  7. A copy of the academic and/or institution calendar for the last 2 years. Please include all summer and mini semester dates, if applicable. The calendar is not necessary if the beginning/ending dates of respective terms are listed on transcripts.
  8. A copy of the current tuition and fees paid by a non-veteran student in a program of study similar to that of (any) of the students listed on the enclosure.
  9. A copy of the academic and/or institution catalog and schedule of classes for survey period
  10. Completed VA Form 22-8794 Designation of Certifying Officials (if necessary to update), VA Form 22-1919 Conflicting Interests Certification for Proprietary Schools Only, VA Form 20-8206 Statement of Assurance of Compliance with Equal Opportunity Laws.

During the Visit

After the Visit