Conditions for Re-Approval

To maintain approval, both accredited and non-accredited schools and colleges must meet the following conditions:

  1. The catalog, bulletin or addendum must include an institution’s:
    • Standards of progress (which define the grading system, minimum grades considered satisfactory, conditions for interruption for unsatisfactory grades or progress, description of probationary periods and conditions for dismissal and readmittance.
    • Attendance Policy.
    • Conduct policy.
    • Progress records furnished to students.
  2. The school must maintain:
    • A written record of a veteran’s previous education and training clearly indicating that appropriate credit for prior learning has been given and training shortened proportionately.
    • Cumulative individual records containing the results of each enrollment period, including all courses and grades.
    • Adequate records showing the progress of each veteran, including notices of course withdrawals and last dates of attendance.
    • Attendance records of veterans enrolled in courses not leading to standard college degrees.
    • Evidence that tuition and fees charged to and received from veterans are the same as those for other students.
    • Complete records and copies of all advertising, sales and enrollment materials used by or on behalf of the school for the preceding 12 months.
    • Veteran certification files for three years after the veteran leaves the institution.
  3. The school agrees to:
    • Enforce all policies.
    • Notify the Department of Veterans Affairs when veterans do not achieve satisfactory academic progress.
    • Notify the Department of Veterans Affairs within 30 days of all changes in hours of credit or attendance, including interruption or termination.
    • Notify the Department of Higher Education of any changes affecting approved programs, including changes to location, course offerings, degree requirements and academic regulations.
    • Make available during regular business hours all required records outline above to representatives of the Department of Higher Education and veterans’ officials during periodic on-site visits.

In addition to the above, the following conditions regarding refunds and evaluations apply to all non-accredited schools:

Evaluations of the following must occur: the quality, content and length of programs; personnel qualifications; adequacy of resources and financial soundness; school calendars and fee schedules.

Refunds (38 CFR 21.4255)
A pro rata refund policy must be in place which assures that the amount charged for tuition, fees and other charges for a portion of a course does not exceed the approximate pro rata portion of the total charges for tuition, fees and other charges that the length of the completed portion of the course bears to the total length; and:

  1. Registration fees cannot exceed $10 or they become subject to the pro rata refund policy.
  2. Breakage fees cover only the exact amount of the breakage, with the remainder to be refunded.
  3. Only the exact amount of charges for consumable supplies may be retained, with the remainder refunded.
  4. Refunds for books, supplies and equipment furnished by the school will be made in full for the amount charged for un-issued books, supplies and equipment. Issued items may be disposed of at a veteran’s discretion.
  5. Refund policies more favorable to veterans than pro rata refunds are acceptable; otherwise, schools may charge a sum not greater than 10% from the exact pro rata portion of such tuition, fees and other charges that the length of the completed portion of the course bears to its total length; the exact pro ratio will be determined on the ratio of the number of instructional days in the course.