Massachusetts State Universities & Community Colleges Partnership to Advance Collaboration and Efficiency (PACE)

Charter – (updated March 19, 2018)


Being a signatory of this Charter reflects the shared belief that a systematic mode of cooperation among Massachusetts state universities and community colleges carries with it tremendous benefits for each institution, its students and the public at large. By working together, signatories can bolster levels of efficiency, increase productivity, and improve the delivery of services to constituents. A collective commitment to collaboration and efficiency generates savings for every campus – savings that can be strategically redeployed as each institution deems appropriate in bolstering student success, improving the quality of academic programs, and making a college education both affordable and accessible.

While the policies, strategies and infrastructure necessary to realize these benefits are varied, all must operate under the auspices of a Partnership led by the presidents of the 24 institutions. All the while, it is both understood and respected by all signatories that, each institution has a unique history, overarching set of needs, and slate of existing and evolving relationships. As such, the Charter affirms that institutional participation in the Partnership and its initiatives is entirely voluntary, and further recognizes that institutions need not participate in every collaborative effort to be a full partner in the greater effort.

    Organizational Structure

    The Partnership Advancing Collaboration and Efficiency (PACE) will have the following organizational structure:
  1. Steering Committee on Collaboration and Efficiency to oversee major policies, initiatives and direction. The Steering Committee will have the following members:
    1. Two state university presidents, chosen periodically by their peers;
    2. Two community college presidents, chosen periodically by their peers;
    3. The Executive Officer of the State University Council of Presidents;
    4. The Executive Officer of the Community College Council of Presidents;
    5. Two  Chief Information Officers, one from a state university, one from a community college
    6. Two Chief Financial Officers, one from a state university, one from a community college
    7. A representative of the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education, chosen periodically by the Commissioner of Higher Education (ex officio); and the Executive Director of PACE (convener(s), ex offico
    NOTE: The Chair and Vice Chair will serve for a two year term. The Chair and Vice Chair position will be held by two Presidents, one from each sector. For every two year term the Chair will be a President from the State University and the Vice Chair will be a President from the Community College. The following two year term the Chair will be a President from the Community Colleges and the Vice Chair from the State University. After the two year term, the Vice Chair will assume the role as Chair and the Vice Chair position will become vacant. When the Vice Chair position becomes vacant, the PACE Steering Committee will appoint a President to become Vice Chair.
  2. The Chair of the PACE Steering Committee has the right to call for an Executive Session at any time.
  3. Council on Collaboration and Efficiency to oversee the system-wide implementation of initiatives advanced by the Steering Committee. The Council will have the following members:
    1. One delegate from each of the 24 campuses, chosen periodically by the president of each institution; and
    2. Executive Directors of PACE (convener, ex officio).
  4. Campus Task Forces on Collaboration and Efficiency to oversee each campus’ implementation of initiatives advanced by the Steering Committee. Each Task Force will have the following members:
    1. Institutional delegate to the Council on Collaboration and Efficiency (convener); and
    2. Representatives of relevant functional areas, as appointed by the president of each institution.
  5. The Executive Officer of the Community College Council and the Executive Officer of the State University Council will oversee day to day operations.
  6. Executive Director of PACE report to the Executive Officer of the Community Colleges and the Executive Officer of the State Universities and manage the day-to-day operations of the organization. The Steering Committee has authority to hire, terminate, and evaluate the professional performance of the Executive Director.
  7. A Shared Commitment of Resources

  8. All signatories to this Charter agree to contribute an annual sum to fund the administrative and operational needs of PACE.
  9. The Executive Director of PACE will be co-located with the Executive Officers of the State University/Community College Councils of Presidents or in a suitable location to be determined by the Steering Committee.
  10. To the extent feasible, PACE will share operating, administrative, and support costs with the State University/Community College Councils of Presidents.

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